Monday, July 11, 2005

Clif Notes Newsletter

I subscribe to a lot of email newsletters as I think they are an excellent way to increase your knowledge, find out about interesting products, websites, people and ideas, and perhaps just get a good laugh.

One email newsletter that I would highly recommend is Clif Notes. Here is what the publisher has to say about Clif Notes:
What is Clif Notes Newsletter? Each week, I send out a plain text newsletter with a link to the newsletter website. I review several freeware applications. I offer Windows tips, tricks, and security advice. I also recommend interesting websites I've visited. Best of all, it's free. No spam, No ads, Nobody else sees your email address.

I've discovered several excellent websites and freeware programs via the Clif Notes Newsletter. Click the link below to check out Clif Notes and grab your own free subscription.

Clif Notes Newsletter - Freeware and Website Reviews

1 comment:

Clif said...

Thanks Brett
I appreciate the plug. How do I sign up for notice of change to your blog?
