In order to open a program or folder, the normal procedure is to
double-click the associated icon. Generally, one click will
highlight the icon while two will open it. However, if you would
prefer to open programs and folders with just one click, you can
easily configure your Windows system to allow this:
Windows XP Users:
1. Press Widows Key + E to open Windows Explorer
2. Click on "Tools" then on "Folder Options".
3. With the "General" tab selected, choose the item labelled
"Single click to open an item (point to select)".
4. Exit out of the Folder Options dialog and out of Windows
Windows 9x Users:
1. Press Widows Key + E to open Windows Explorer
2. Click on "View" then on "Folder Options".
3. With the "General" tab selected, choose "Custom, based on
setting you choose, and then click the "Settings" button.
4. Choose the item labelled "Single click to open an item
(point to select)".
5. Exit out of the open dialogs and out of Windows Explorer.
Now a single click on an icon will open your programs or folders
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